Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Eric and I have been watching Christmas movies every night, and the basic theme has been that presents and material things aren't as important as giving love and spending time with family and friends. I agree, and I look forward to the next few days of family time.

The wisemen brought really amazing gifts to baby Jesus, so I think the gift giving tradition is still important. I discovered that I show love through giving gifts, so Christmas is an exciting time for me. Presents don't have to be expensive or fancy... they just have to come from the heart.

I blogged on my Flossy blog about showing thanks and appreciation for the gifts we're given. I haven't done the best job of that in the past, so I wrote the Flossy blog as a reminder for myself. I hope that we can all show each other how thankful we are, not only for presents, but also for the precious time that we spend together.

Eric and I, and Pudge and Ellie of course, wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. It's such a special time to remember the Birth of our Savior. He truly is the reason we celebrate.

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